Monday, July 17, 2006

Workplace of doom...

For those of you who don't know, I'm one of the privileged few who don't have a phone on their desk at work. Seems barbaric no? Possibly the only cubicle in the Loop that doesn't have a phone.

I also walked into one of the bathrooms on my floor 20 minutes ago and it was sauna-like in temperature. Bathroom + humid heat = smelly horribly place to be.

And I just had to dump some warm water in the sink of our work kitchen, at which point I saw stuff that you just shouldn't put in the sink at work. More tupperware than you can imagine. And, a weird, red liquid filled sauce container from McDonald's. Is their Sweet & Sour Sauce red? Why is an open, used plastic McDonald's sauce container in the sink? Is someone cleaning it to reuse it???

These (possibly from that exact date) are what I found in my crisper. Some of them were still apple shaped, although wrinkled like old men. A few of them were moldy piles of skin. Surprisingly they didn't smell like anything. You'd think there would have been a strong sour apple smell (sort of an overstrong apple cider gone bad is what i imagined). I'm fairly sure I even held the bag (the apple bag was still in the drawer, which made cleaning 1 billion time easier) up to my nose. I'm a smeller, what can I say?

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