Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The douche of the United States of America...

Do you ever read about George W. or hear about him and NOT think, wow, he is a douchebag? Because honestly, wow. He is a douchebag.

If USA Today is to be believed (I'll assume they have their facts straight) "Polls show as much as 70% public support for embryonic stem cell research."

Maybe my personal view of the president is wrong, but isn't he supposed to represent us? The citizens? I thought he was supposed to make decisions (oh, that great decider) based on what is best for this country. And ultimately, what this country thinks is best should be what he thinks is best. Is this incorrect?

So how is it that the Senate passes (with ALMOST the 2/3 majority needed to circumvent a veto) legislation that will move ahead science, 70% of us out here think it's a good idea and Bush thinks "Oop, time to pick up my veto pen?" And really, is it surprising that it all stems (ho ho hee hee, baaaad pun) from his religious beliefs?

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