Thursday, May 26, 2005

My half day off...

Today I had a half day off to go to the dentist. Nobody likes the dentist and I am no different from the masses. My teeth are soft and squishy, I get cavities if I smell sugar. So fillings, yeah, I'm a veteran. But I've never had issues where my "bite" was off and I'm therefore biting my filling and causing myself sharp pain whenever I eat. Twice now I've had my teeth slowly shaved away (or quickly, by a drill that can cause serious pain). This time lets hope I have no more issues. Note to self and anyone who is going to the dentist soon: do not eat pickles for lunch beforehand.

The dentist told me I have a deep bite. What does this mean? He also told me I have sharp cuspeds or something. I immediately pictured myself as a vampire.

I hung up some pictures just now. It turns out my wall is slanted (not surprising considering I live in an old building). So the bottom pictures are not resting against the wall, their bottom is free-floating. It looks a little weird, but I still like my pictures.

On the way home from getting my shots yesterday I saw a horrible sign on a pole that told me my area has been treated for rats. Who thinks about rats? Ew, rats. Mice are bad enough, but rats!

Ellsworth was a friend of roomie #1. I really only knew him our last semester of school (so exactly a year ago). He was in one of my classes. The last few weeks of school I was going out a lot (are you shocked? Don't be, I wanted to enjoy my last weeks of school) and I saw him out a lot. He wanted to try something and I said no. I'm not going to put his name out there or anything because that would be totally rude.


  1. Fuzzy memories of Brothers are streaming back into my head. I remember that night. That was a weird night...

  2. I saw those signs! Are they orange with a great big rat on em? Yeah, Tristan lives by some rats too.
