Saturday, December 18, 2010

Aaaaand I flat out forgot yesterday. I went to dinner/the Hawks game right after work and had no time to consider blogging about anything.  I was super tired when we got home and got in bed pretty quickly.

Now I'm awake, listening to the glass guys replace the mirror downstairs.  There was a weird mark/imperfection on it right at my eye level.  I'm basically waiting for the mirror to break into pieces.  I can't imagine they can get it off in one piece, can they?

I was not ready to be up this morning.  I have been pretty exhausted lately and I'm starting to suspect it's because I am so spectacularly out of shape.   I hate to be one of those, but in 2011 I need to get into the habit of being active.  I would like to lose a few pounds as well, but mostly I need to get my muscles and lungs back into fighting form.  As I'm getting older, it's becoming kind of obvious that my body is getting older and more crotchety.  I know I'm still young, but if I don't nip this in the bud now, will I ever? 

So...let's all pretend I didn't eat a cupcake for breakfast.

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