Monday, April 30, 2007

A boring update post...

The post office is holding my mail hostage. I finally received a phone call from my nearest post office (after much harassment of the USPS) and they have a big pile of it at the "station". Why, you ask? Because, the buzzer on my building is broken and the mailman just stopped coming. I haven't gotten mail since April 21. I have a few questions here:
  1. Was the post office ever going to do anything about this? My inclination is NO since they told me to contact my landlord.
  2. Have my neighbors even noticed? By my count there are 12 apartments in just my half of the 24 least 24 people haven't gotten mail for a week and then some, and no one seems to have said anything...?
I have the weirdest luck.

This is the kind of day I'm having: as I'm making lunch/dinner I notice that I have almost zero paper towels. I think to myself, I'll buy paper towels tomorrow. I get home from my midterm...and there's a juicy hairball waiting for me to clean it up. Yeah. I had to be creative with my cleaning methods. Let's just hope nothing else needs to be cleaned up before tomorrow.

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