Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I keep coming up with totally inappropriate names for this post (most of them involving the word tit, which I ABHOR. It's like any other word that you have a weird aversion to...I have a friend who hates to hear the word panties. And another who hates to hear pubic hair. Not because they don't wear panties or don't have pubic hair....just because the word makes them feel weirdly icky). Either way, it has to be said that I'm going to a "bra fit specialist" later and I'm totally obsessed with the idea. Hence the tit.

And now, some bulletudes of crap:

  • This morning, when I did my morning wake-up nose blowing, I was convinced for about 1.5 seconds that I had just blown a silverfish bug out of my nose. There was a grey bug like thing in my kleenex. For all of those 1.5 seconds I felt totally disgusted and wanted to burn the inside of my nose to ensure cleanliness. I realized at second number 2 that it was just a very strange shaped and weirdly colored bogey.
  • There is a boy in one of my classes who is so hairy that every week I boggle at the extent of his ape-liness. His hair is DARK. And his hands...well, they are ape-like. I think he could braid the hair on his knuckles into the hair on the back of his hand. I am continually transfixed by it - not in a good way.
  • Yesterday a man told me I was charming. I recommend to anyone: always push the "door open" button for people getting on elevators (especially if you're the only one in it). Why? Well...you'd want someone to do that for you. And it can lead to a friendly chat about that moment where you panic because you just can't find the door open button - even though you want to push it - where is it??? And then an old man will call you charming because he was so engrossed in your conversation about the door open button that he forgot to choose the floor he needed.

Sorry about my forgetting to post a button yesterday. I'm at work or I'd post them both now. And I have a late night ahead, so you might just get 3 buttons tomorrow. I wonder how many perverts will find this site because of my dirty language in paragraph one? Probably way too many.

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