Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Keeping the doctor away...

Honey crisp apples are in season. My favorite time of year! I have a half-peck of them at home in the fridge. I'm wondering how quickly I have to eat them before they start to go bad...

Around this time of year my apple consumption increases by 100%. I don't eat normal apples. Only Honey Crisp. I was curious what all these apples were doing for my autumnal health. A lot actually. Turns out if I eat 2 apples a day, my cholesterol can go down by as much as 10%. Sad that I didn't know this earlier (my cholesterol test is on Friday). Looks like I'll be chowing two a day for the next 3 days. It can help with digestion - if you feel constipated, go eat an apple. At the same time, it can help with diarrhea (have a bad case? Mix apples with yogurt). And finally, besides all the nutrients and cancer fighting goodness, it can help with a diet. Because of the fiber involved (20% of your daily recommended in one medium apple!) and because it's a filling, 0 calorie (ish) snack. Look at that, you learned something from my blog today! I'd post links to all the places I picked up these facts, but I've already closed out the browsers and I'm too lazy to go find them again.

Go eat an apple. Fresh apples (like mine from Kuipers Family Farm) are better due to no wax. Many (possibly all?) major apple producers wax the apples to make them shine - to entice you, you sucker of a consumer, to buy them. The problem? You're eating wax (which isn't so bad) BUT the wax, in turn, is sealing all those bad pesticides in. So, even if you rinse your apple before eating - still getting a mouthful of pesticide. Or you could be safe and boring and just drink 100% apple juice.

1 comment:

  1. I *love* honey crisp apples. I had them for the first time last year & couldn't get enough. Maybe I'll have to make a trip out to that farm to stock up!
