Friday, September 15, 2006

Health update...

Obviously no news on the pap - that takes a week+.

But instant gratification on my cholesterol. It has quite improved. But someone (I'm going to go ahead and blame George W. Bush) has lowered the acceptable LDL limit (if you don't know what this means, go here). Which means that in terms of what they were comparing my LDL cholesterol to last year (needs to be below 130) I am golden. In terms of this year (needs to be below 100) I am not meeting this limit. I am only really slightly above this limit. So George W. - I blame you for my still sort of slightly high cholesterol. Because before? Before I would have had low cholesterol.

As for my HDL? Looking awesome. You're in a good position healthwise if it's above 40. Anything greater than 65 is a negative predictor for heart disease. Mine is just a tidge greater than 65. Way to go HDL!

And how will my health insurance handle this? We'll have to wait and see (until March...don't hold your breath).

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