Thursday, August 24, 2006

Questionable character...

I am calling my own character into question.

Yesterday I went on a quick lunch date with someone from an online site. He was cynical, geeky, not unattractive. The date went well. But (here's where my character is lacking) he has really icky teeth. And after much deliberation (hours at work staring at boring data) I realized that I cannot get past his teeth. I can't look past it. I am that shallow.

Here's my teeth test: imagine sticking your tongue in the person's mouth. If you don't feel nauseous by the mental image, he/she has passed.

In this case, the boy had greenish, chunky looking teeth. I can get past crooked teeth. I have a hard time with discoloration.

Off topic:

Dear Pluto,

You will always be a planet to me.



  1. that being said, ------ Justin Timberlake...?

    Justin Timberlake has good teeth. Justin Timberlake has nothing else.
    Substance kills green teeth. Good teeth kills gross teeth. Justin Timberlake kills everything.

    Make up your mind.

  2. I don't understand that last comment there. It's impossible. And I refuse to sit and ponder about a freaking comment from an anonymous poster.

    How weird.

    But yeah, I don't think you're shallow either. Who wants to chance their tongue coming into contact with green teeth? I say none of us. And if someone says they would, they're lying.

  3. That so reminds me of the scene from Dodgeball where the Marsha Brady lookalike says "I'm sorry I just had a little vomit in my mouth". Bad teeth is bad. How hard is it to brush everyday, especially before a date? Imagine his toilet if that's what his teeth look like. It's a red flag man, don't ignore it.
