Sunday, February 26, 2006

The lack of cake...

For the first time since I submitted my two-week notice letter I felt longing for my job today. Not because I miss the people, the work or even the income. But because of Mardi Gras...and a delight called King Cake. Oh King Cake...I will miss you. If you like cake (it's sort of donuty/coffee cake tasting) go buy one and support New Orleans...part of the proceeds go to the Red Cross (ours were usually filled with cream cheese...oh so delicious).

Does anybody else feel really happy whenever the Jimmy Fallon/Parker Posey pepsi commercial comes on? It just makes me feel happy and giddy. And it makes me love Jimmy Fallon (and want to dance). In case you're unsure of what I'm speaking of, go here. Make sure you have the volume on so you can hear the peppy (he he he) dance music.

I was just previewing this post to make sure the links worked, and I misread the title as "Lake of Cake." If only...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Umm yeah, Beth Horse face...

    Anyways, I really cannot stand the latest Pepsi commerials. They are really annoying and quite stupid.

  3. Sorry Red - should I have made a a BBQ Chicken Pizza instead?

  4. hfbeth..I don't mind you commenting, but can you keep it down to a few sentences? I can't have these marathon comments around. And I just wanted to let you know that you may have me confused with someone else, I have no idea who you are.
