Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Letter to the blogguests....

Dear Readers,

I have previously stated my dislike of anonymous comments. But since there are some new readers to this blog recently, let me just state: you creep me out. If you're going to comment, you should have the balls to own that comment. For example, the two comments that exist at this point in time on yesterday's post. I do not know this "David" but his comment does not creep me out - he owned it. The other comment, well...that's creepy. I understand that coming from the right sort of person, that is a really nice compliment. But with no person behind it, I can only imagine some pervert.
So, in order to prevent this sort of anonymous creep out I have banned anyone but registered users from commenting. You're banned anonymous.

If you want to say nice things as a registered user, feel free. Anonymity no longer tolerated. As one of my professor's recently stated in a discussion of whether or not people should be allowed to surf the web anonymously: Why is it our right? We can't do anything else in our lives anonymously. Go to the store, pull a face mask on and see how the employee's react...



  1. Dude, you're right, it's totally creeptacular. I support you in this venture.

  2. just delete and ignore it, really. "don't feel the trolls", that sort of thing. acknowledgement is the last thing you want do; it just encourages them.

  3. But what's the differance between a hanger name (That is registared with Blogger) that you do not recognize and someone posting anonymously?

    I too hate when people post anonymously but I do not know what to do about it.

  4. Hmph, at least you got a anonymous compliment. I always get anonymous insults, especially when I go on a political rant. Creepy either way, I guess. One of the risks of having your blog "out there".
