Monday, January 23, 2006

I sink like a stone...

Title an ode to a song that sticks in my head as well as the heaviness in my stomach. A wonderful, masala filled heaviness. Delightful.

Just wanted to blog about a few things that made me really happy today:

  • Nine Inch Nails. Some of you may double take, utter a wwwhhhhhaaaa? But, I confess that while in the shower/getting out, Closer was playing. And I really was into it. I don't know why...but NIN started my day out right.
  • Birthdays. A good friend of mine is having one soon, and writing out her card this morning made me feel all fuzzy towards her. I heart my friends.
  • Comprehension. Understanding my homework this morning made up for my panic last night. Last night I snapped for a bit and felt like flowcharts were ruining my life. This morning, flowcharts seemed harmless. And my programming homework was downright satisfying.
  • Star of India.
  • Presents! Thanks Pooj!
  • The return of velcro. For about a year, maybe two in college I wore nothing but velcro shoes. I found the best pair ever in England...but then they got old and smelly. Since the death of my velco Art shoes, i haven't found any good velcro. Cute velcro shoes found.
  • Recently loads of newcomers on my blog have been coming here through search engines. Which is fun...and tons of them are coming by searching for "katie blog." So I went and searched that...I'm way up there at the top! That's satisfying.
That's all I've got.

Side note: it always annoys the beejeezy out of me when Blogspot spell check trys to tell me the word blog is not a word.

1 comment:

  1. i remember when you bought those velcro shows in england - i have a distinct memory of it. they weren't even my shoes and i was sad for their retirement. but yeah for new velcro shoes. also, how can a BLOG site not recognize the word blog? that is crazyness...
    ps - thanks for the warm fuzzies. :)
