Thursday, January 26, 2006

Embracing the asexual (me?)....

Today the world conspired to exhibit every sadly lackluster specimen of the male species. Let's go through them shall we?

First, there was dunderhead. The aforementioned group member. He's not unattractive, and for 1.29 seconds a week or so ago I briefly imagined some sort of fling happening. Then I looked again. He has a truly unfortunate soul patch (tuft of hair under the lip that serves no purpose except to draw your eye to ugly tuft of hair). And today it looked like he hadn't shaved for days. And he smelled a little off.

Next up, is the bald comb-over guy. Ok, he's probably only a few years older than me. And he is clearly completely bald on the top of his head. The first two classes he had an unfortunate comb-over. Last week it looked like he had embraced his lack of hair and shaved it all short. It looked really nice. Today, he showed up with a full head of hair! Baffling. I'll investigate more next week...I couldn't decide if it was plugs or some sort of newfangled, better looking toupee. But all in all, less attractive than just embracing his male pattern baldness.

And here's where it went sailing into me losing all attraction for males. Three drunk happy hour boys on the train. Behind me. I don't ipod it at night (so I can hear any lurkers). So I had to listen to their conversation. Big mistake. First, they talk about some girl who is hot. "Man is she hot. Oh she has a boyfriend. She does and he pounds her hard. Oh man, he drills her." Disgusting. For maybe a minute they came up with every derogatory, porny sounding verb for sex. Always with the girl on the receiving end. Then, the really drunk one comes up with a dastardly plan to steal some girls car to drive to Wheeling where there may or may not be a party. Here's the plan: He'll introduce the other two to said girl (couldn't figure out if this is a girlfriend). Then they'll chat, be chummy and he'll secretly take the keys. She'll never notice the car is gone. Drunk car stealing. Shit you not. Awful. At this point, I truly never want to touch a boy again. (side note: both of car filcher's friends totally ditched him. He got off the train alone. So maybe they had some sense).

At this point, I am repulsed by men. Then falsetto singer with earphones walked by. Nail in the coffin.

In other news, I was cheered up considerably by the skyline on the ride home (fabulous clear night, beautiful city) and the fact that I could see stars walking home. In the city!!

Then I get home and no lights are on. Scary. I always leave a light on on Thursdays since I get home late. I checked the closets down here, then stood in the living room looking up at the balcony. My burglar alarm (Boku) was out and about, laying in her cat I knew no strangers were here. But it still creeps me out that someone was here when I wasn't...especially since I have no maintenance issues. Is my landlord just allowed to do that?

1 comment:

  1. check your lease. My landlord left us notes sometimes when he would come in. i.e. "Do the dishes." Not kidding. did you get that email?
