Monday, August 01, 2005

Windy, windy girl...

I am currently in the process of filing a food spoilage claim for my great blackout of 2005. Who wants to wager on the outcome? I am guessing I get exactly $0 and in fact lose the cost of the stamp.

For some reason my mind is on Christmas. The book I'm reading is celebrating Christmas, Dawson's Creek was a Christmas episode today, I just bought my sister a birthday/christmas present, I already have all these things in the works for other christmas presents...I'm just feeling Christmas spirit. In August. Maybe I should think about Halloween instead...

I've been thinking a lot about my job. It's pretty much constant at the front of my mind. A piece of me is afraid that I'm a quitter because I really feel like moving on. You know, like I'm give up once the going gets tough. But another part of me realizes that the going is getting tough due to something I cannot change: the people. I went through a mental list of all the jobs I've had in the past. My happiness at said jobs rose and fell with the people. I'm stuck at this horrible mental crossroads: see this through to the end or try for something new and hope for happy. I am not unhappy, but I'm not happy with the job. And there is no guarantee that the next job will be better. It could be worse: boring job and horrible people. But it could also be better. I don't know what I'll do...

And to those boys who did not have girls flirting, I think you missed a subtle but important point: getting your blog out there. I mean, sure you're writing, but you're not in all kinds of rings and lists of blogs, you know?

Anyway, I'm bored with my writing, so I pity you.

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