I have a few little things to say, none all that interesting and most useless. But isn't that what my blog is all about? I think so...
First, I read romance novels as a hobby...and I am always maddened by the eye colors the authors choose. How many green eyed people do you know? Grey? Anyone? And every romance novel has a green eyed vixen and a grey eyed conqueror. This is sort of an ongoing annoyance for me. But what is weird, is that I just saw a grey eyed person on TV. I've never seen this before, ever. And where do I see him? On "Meth:A County in Crisis." On a side note, it is truly horrific what meth is doing to our country and I'm sure it can only get worse....I saw someone get denied cold medicine at the grocery store the other day. I can't help but wonder why...
Second, you know how bridges have a height restriction written on them? Saw a truck wedged under a bridge yesterday. Basically it was completely underneath, with the top totally scraping off. Really strange thing to see. My thought: how in hell are they going to get that truck out??
And lastly, my medicine cabinet is a success (well, mostly). There are a few issues, all involving painters tape. There was a little bleeding onto the wall which I'm trying to brainstorm a way to fix. Also, when I pulled the tape on the front of the cabinet some paint peeled off and there was some bleeding onto the mirror. These are easily fixable with some touch up and a razor. Its just the wall I have to deal with...
I hope you all have a nice week...I've been trying to see what kind of jobs I'm qualified for...and really it looks a little barren right now...
I wish I would have seen the truck wedged under the bridge. That would make a good pic for S, too.