Wednesday, August 31, 2005

But I believe I'm worth coming home to...

This is tremendously late for me to be blogging, I know. But I wanted to get my thoughts down on Tori Amos before I go to bed...or else I'll forget everything. Anyway, this was one of the concerts I really felt like I needed to see in my lifetime. I love most of her old stuff a lot more than the new, but the last two CD's I really did like. That's rambly...but oh well.

Let me just say that I have expressed desire to see a concert at Millenium park's Pritzker Pavilion before this. I was willing to see an orchestra, really anything. And then this opportunity appeared. [note: Tori said during the concert that she was honored to be the first/test pop act at the pavilion. I did not know this. And is she really pop?]. My friend and I showed up after both opening bands had played so we were far back on the lawn. With nothing to sit on. This attracted attention and some concert venue "workers" came over and made fun of us. Then they offered us seats in the pavilion. They were awesome seats. And we only paid $16. Anyway, don't get too excited, he was offering everyone around us seats. There were people declining.

First impression of Tori, wow, who is this lady? Of course there is the poofy (and very long now) red kinky hair. And then she came out wearing a flowing gown. I honestly thought, oh my god, she's dressed like a fairy. This feeling was reinforced when she ran off of the stage at the end holding the sides of her dress so it appeared as if she had wings. She's strange. But the music and voice were really dazzling. I remember why I love her. I was told to expect gyrating, masturbatory movement on her piano...and it really wasn't any worse than Chris Martin. I think his was actually more graphic...ooooh, delicious mental picture.

The concert was really mellow, I found myself thinking a lot about everything (which is unusual for a concert, but oddly cleansing): about the city, my life, and most of all, how wonderful that venue is. Not only was the sound fairly brilliant, you're surrounded by beautiful city buildings and starry sky. Plus, on Wednesdays, it turns out there's a fair view of the Navy Pier fireworks. Fireworks set to the music of Tori.

All in all, a really great experience.


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  2. Is it just me or are the previous two comments like blog spam? Strange. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the show. You know how long it's been since I went to a concert? Too long.

  3. Oh god, Kate, you have comment spam. I'm pretty sure that blogspot has updated comment engines, one in which you can apply a ticketmaster-like code to comments. You might want to look into it. ACK! Spam.

  4. I bet you got the spam from being involved in the "who's blogging in Chicago". I bet that these spammers have spam everyone on that site. Stupid people. Not you, the spammers!
