Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sniffle, snork...

That's the sound of my nose right now. It's one of those horrible ticklish, runny feelings. I took an allergy pill and I don't think its doing anything which makes me worry, I do not want to be sick.

I was walking down the street an hour or so ago and this girl said something exceedingly stupid to her friend (or boyfriend since he smiled at her like, wow you're so pretty) and I thought, damn I'm glad I'm intelligent. And the next second I thought oooh, I can't wait for Harry Potter; I think i'll have a Harry Potter movie marathon tonight. Which sort of made me question the intelligence thought, because my obsession with HP may not win people over to the "Katie is smart" side of the argument.

In other news, my apartment is cool! I have two air conditioners running and I am extremely happy.

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