Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Suffocating sleep...

Let me start out with last night. I had a very exciting cat success. Mona came to bed with me (i read for quite a bit before I feel ready to sleep) so she could get some scratching. Once I turned out the light, Boku materialized from nowhere and got on the bed with us! Best of all she plopped down between my legs. We're having serious progress.

On to suffocating sleep. My perfect room temperature for sleep is 69 degrees. Is this low or high? Anyone out there know their room temp? Recently I'm in the mid-70's and its killer. My bed is just too warm (I feel i have to be cheeky and say hubba hubba). So sleep the past couple of nights has not been great. And there have been nightmares. I'm going to try to sleep with the window open tonight.

I forgot to mention in my last post that I've become forgettable. On Monday I was called Kathy twice. I do not like the name, I am always going to be Katie. So you think, easy mistake. Here's why both should NEVER have happened:
  1. My coworker writes me a note and calls me kathy in three seperate places. We have numerous things on our desks that tell us each others names (extension list, lunch phone duty etc). While writing her note, all she had to do is look up and think, oh, wrong name. I work with maybe 25 people. Its not hard to get names down. I'm coming on a year in July. The person who called me Kathy TRAINED ME. Really sad. Today I found out that she has been stockpiling work in drawers at her desk. Someone found it all. She's out for health reasons and someone was looking for a file. So now I have to make up all of that work that she has been hiding.
  2. My doctors office, who has me registered as Katie not Katherine called me Kathy. A doctor should really have your name right. I understand if I'm katherine and they think, oh, kathy. Nope. I'm Katie. Argh.
So, the plan here is, if I get in bed early enough and read, maybe I'll get so comfortable I'll fall into such a dead sleep that I won't hear the open window noises or wake up from heat. Good plan??

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