Friday, April 06, 2007

Reader participation requested...

Hey all...I need new drapes in my bedroom (mine are old and actually have sun bleach spots all over them...which is surprising due to the darkness of my apartment). So I'm asking your opinion. You all helped with the choosing of the yarn for the blanket (which is going to take me a LONG, LONG time to finish, but it is started, happily) I thought I would ask again. Any suggestions from other places are great too...

There are two or three that I am considering and all of them are VERY different...and I can't decide what exactly I want. Just FYI, pretty much any shade of blue will work in my bedroom...'s the one I think I like best (another note...clicking on any picture will take you to the store's site so you can see close up of fabric and/or color choices):

Then we have (but with a blue & green ribbon thingy)...pretty weird...I can't decide if I love them or hate them...

And finally, the most adult of them all....

That picture looks greeny, but the color sample on the actual site looks very blue. Just simple. Sort of elegant though for my bedroom (if you know anything about my taste in sheets)...



  1. I like number 3 the best but if your room is already dark it's not going to let much natural light in. Maybe number 1 is the smart choice, unless privacy is an issue.

  2. I like either one or three. Two looks too kiddy.

  3. I like the first or second one. I think they would work better with what you've already got in your room. And unlike the other comments, I like number 2 the best for some reason.
