Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday update...

In a much better place....not much has changed...I still have an overwhelming project that 3 of us are slaving over...I still have a professor who is completely and entirely useless (I didn't go to class, but neither did he. He had a guest speaker and didn't bother to show up. We have three weeks of class left and still have 3 homework assignments and a final exam in his class...he hasn't given us any of the homework assignments of them is supposed to be due on Monday. Um?). But I guess I'm just more upbeat. It'll get done...or it won't. And the world will go on.

In other news, I officially have enough hair to donate to Locks of Love. The minimum is 10 inches and I have a solid 11 (even after a trim today) per my "stylist" who helped me measure using a piece of paper. I would have an extremely short do afterwards (think Twiggy in her hay-day (hey-day?))....but it's long enough! And healthy enough! Watch out Kate, I'm still holding out to have hair at your wedding...but you better be ready to take a call to talk me out of cutting it off now. I hate having hair this long. And I hate this inability to change my style. I like to change my hair-do/color often. Either way, my stylist seems as excited as I am to cut it off and find a good style for what hair I have left.....

And now I have to go do some work on school stuff...


  1. i've been in the mood to cut my hair off REALLY short (a la twiggy) too lately, but am trying to wait out the urge till after the wedding as well - it might feel all that much better to have a short do in the summer (or at least that's what I tell myself in the meantime)...

  2. I think it's really cool that you are donating your hair. I don't think I am capable of donating any hair since I don't think I have 10 inches even if you lay all my hair end to end.
