Sunday, December 03, 2006

Time to be merry...

My Christmas tree is here...and while I'm sure I didn't "fluff" my branches enough, I really like it. There are 2 things I will miss about a real tree:
  1. The imperfection of the shape of the tree. I like that imperfection - this tree, like all artificial trees, is artificially triangular. All I can hope is that some day fake trees will be artificially imperfect (which will happen on the same day that tinsel becomes digestible for the cats)
  2. The lovely, amazing smell of fresh pine.
There are 3 things I will not miss:
  1. Crawling under the tree every day to water it...pain in the ass.
  2. Getting the real tree safely to the apartment (saw a casualty on the way home the other day - three cars had pulled over on the shoulder on the tollway and they were all looking back at their Christmas tree - in the middle of the right lane of traffic. Two problems there: do you walk into traffic to save the tree? When the tree is saved, clearly the lines that were holding the tree to the roof have snapped - so how do you get it tied back on the roof/on its way?).
  3. Getting the tree out of the apartment (this one counts 8 times more than the others- the biggest PAIN IN THE ASS EVER.)
But, my tree looks lovely. I have pictures to post, but Picasa is giving me a weird error and blogger is frozen trying to post the pic. Oh well. You'll have to wait a few days for the pics. I had one ornament casualty and it's pretty damn sad. I didn't even drop it (shocking) - I was holding it to put it on the tree and the string snapped - ornament plummets to the ground, breaks into two pieces. The saddest part is that I got the ornament from a family (cousin) ornament exchange just last year. It had only had a few days on my tree last year...

On another note, I am going to keep blogging. It may be useless. It may be sporadic. Although I have sort of an interesting idea for a once a week blog. If I wasn't semi-hungover I'd be able to come up with some clever name for my idea (Deep Thought Thursday doesn't work, Question Tuesday...see the brain is LAME today). What the idea is: I got a birthday present I forgot about. It is basically a pretty little clear box of questions (ex: should generosity come from self-interest or obligation?). That little box would have come in handy during NaBloPoMo. But I think it could make for interesting blog posts....just something I'm toying with...

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