Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Totally school related and booooring...

In about 5 hours I will be entirely done with one of my classes. Ok, more like 3 hours. The final project is due at midnight...I'll probably turn it in, at the latest, at 10. One class down...(to satisfy your curiosity class called: Internet Application Development).

I finish the second class tomorrow with an in-class final. This final is causing one of my least favorite school related maladies: test poo. If you don't know what that is....I'm not going to explain. Me and test poo have a long and icky history where we meet approximately twice a quarter. Anyhoo, this is the most boring class ever and I will be glad to have it done with (curiosity killer: Fundamentals of Distributed Systems).

My last class will not be done until Wednesday of next week. I have a group project due the day before Thanksgiving. And I have a final exam due on Monday. Yuck. (Class: Object Oriented Modeling)


  1. Lucky you to be almost done with classes...and to finish them all up before Thanksgiving! I've gotta come back after the holiday break for another two weeks of blah-ness. :(

  2. I FORGOT to do an assignment due tonight and had to whip something up in about 8 minutes. omg.
