Monday, November 20, 2006

Another sorry post...

I really like this meme, so thanks Starfish and Coffee!

1. Yourself: plain
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: not
3. Your hair: long
4. Your mother: giggles
5. Your father: cool
6. Your favorite item: cats
7. Your dream last night: questionable
8. Your favorite drink: water
9. Your dream car: mine
10. The room you are in: favorite
11. Your ex: who?
12. Your fear: falling
13. What you want to be in 10 years: me
14. Who you hung out with last night: project
15. What you're not: spontaneous
16. Muffins: cupcakes!
17: One of your wish list items: Origami
18: Time: Fiveish
19. The last thing you did: unpacked
20. What you are wearing: clothes
21. Your favorite weather: chilly
22. Your favorite book: Harry
23. The last thing you ate: CareBear (ok, it's really two words, but so is fruit snack - i have no idea how to describe that in one word).
24. Your life: busy
25. Your mood: neutral
26. Your best friend (s): inspiring
27. What are you thinking about right now: Thanksgiving
28. Your car: delightful
29. What are you doing at the moment: relaxing
30. Your summer: short
31. Your relationship status: singleton
32. What is on your tv: addicts
33. What is the weather like: perfect
34. When is the last time you laughed: lunch

Easy enough and quick enough for even the scarcest blogger to complete.

I actually had real content planned for the day...but I just really like this meme!

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