Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Celebrity whore...

I don't know if it's possible that you didn't realize, but I am a celebrity whore. Today:
  • My sister told me that my nerd love for Rivers Cuomo has been poorly placed because the weirdo has declared that he'll be celibate for the rest of his life. I responded that I have in fact been celibate for the same amount of time he actually has and mine was not by choice. So maybe we're meant to be. Maybe I should declare that I want to be celibate for the rest of my life. Then if I don't get any, it won't be because it's impossible to meet men - it will be because I declared it so.
  • Ok, Jarhead...not my kind of movie. But damn if they didn't do a great job with those trailers. When that Kanye West song starts and it's all those bad ass soldier clips, I really get sucked in and feel like seeing it. So to the trailer makers: A+.
For some reason I've been bombarded by allusions to the slutty Halloween girl thing. Where girls take any costume and make it into an excuse to prop their boobs up and wear hooker boots/heels. I will admit that in my formative years I too used Halloween as an excuse to slut out. But at least I was honest: my costume wasn't a slutty nurse/angel/schoolgirl. My costume was a slut. Anyway, I think its stupid to be all slutty on Halloween unless you're slutty all the time. Then I feel like you're just being true to yourself.

In a shocking twist, I kind of liked my job today. Don't worry, it won't last. First off, I have a little hint of wicked happiness about the boss' daughter working at the office. It's nice because she's my age. But it's also nice because she is truly seeing how some of the managers treat the employees. The horrible backwards politics...she's witnessing all. And what Dad wouldn't believe his daughter's first hand account? It's delicious. Also, I was almost an IT employee today and I really liked it.

Update: so I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of owning a pin/button/badge maker. Did you know that a nice one costs $275???

1 comment:

  1. a.) Jarhead trailer: A+ all the way, the song, jake G, everything. I agree
    b.) i have always wanted to button maker too! (orginally came from my fascination with Empire Records in my formative years) but the price is out rageous!
