Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I could be...

Watching Garden State. Its crazy how attracted I am to Zach Braff in this movie. I want him to be my boyfriend. Besides that this movie is just great in a thousand ways. Way #1 is the fact that the people actually talk to each other like I would talk to people. That's amazing.

The dentist made my teeth hurt. I couldn't get an appointment to fix my cavities until March, so now I guess no candy until march.

Way #2 is the music, the way the music works with the story.

If any of you remember my Luca entry, the dreams about Luca are like every night now. Its crazy, and totally weird. Last night was particularly weird and good. Its not that I'm not enjoying the dreams, its just creepy. Why is my mind stuck on some guy from high school that I never talked to? Do any of you out there believe in dream analysis? What is this trying to tell me? I'm hoping tonight will be about Braff boy.

Way #3 is the real craziness of the people and families...

The dental assistant, the first time she looks in my mouth immediately asks me why they didn't "clip it." Ok, for those of you out there who don't know, I'm tongue tied. Apparently this flaw should have been fixed when I was a little kid. Then the assistant proceeds to tell me that it is really strained, that i put a lot of strain on the little "connector" from my tongue to the bottom of my mouth. Right. So now all my insecurities about it flash before my eyes: can i kiss like normal people with a stunted tongue? do i talk funny? what if i did get it clipped, would i have to learn to talk again? I'm a freak.

Way #4...raw emotion.

So let go, let go... jump in.


  1. i was hitting that "next" button like you were talking about a little down the page, and came across your blog here. the garden state soundtrack is amazing... if you enjoy it, you should check out the wicker park soundtrack. they complement each other well.
    sorry to sound like a stalker, nice blog!

  2. It turns out, after reading your blog and asking my Dad, I didn't have my tongue clipped either, and I don't think I've ever had any strain comments or weird kissing, so I'd imagine you're still totally kissable, and able to kiss, have a good day
