Monday, September 06, 2010

As I'm packing up the piles of junk, I found my "scrapbook" for senior year of college.  And by scrapbook I mean, an empty scrapbook and piles of pictures.  Only three pages had pictures selected for them (individual piles of pictures stuck between pages).  The rest was just a pile of the year.  And wow.  Looking through all my crap (and I still feel like there are one too many piles of crap sitting around) has been illuminating.  And scary.

Senior year of college I look so...young.  I was heavier then, but my body doled that weight out differently than it does now, so my stomach isn't so bad, but my cheeks!  Wow.

Then there are the pictures of dancing on poles.  Katie drunk face everywhere (this just means I have my mouth open wide in wild, drunken laughter).  And then there's the incriminating picture of me with a stripper all up in my lap.  I'm laughing, clearly mortified and I look like I might be about to poke his chest like "is this real?".

Lessons learned:
  1. Go back to the gym, lady.
  2. Never allow your friends to take a picture of you when there is a stripper in the room.
  3. Never attend anything involving a stripper in close quarters again.  I do not need to have that experience ever again.
  4. Look through old pictures more than once every 6 years.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly which pictures you are talking about. That was a great year!
