Tuesday, June 06, 2006


So maybe it's shocking that I'm writing about politics. Or maybe it's shocking that Bush still has the power to enrage (Push that link, it's delightful and courtesy of my mostly Republican father - if he gets stuck, just click and move).

The Senate is supposed to vote on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage today (possibly). This is not shocking. Bush has tried this before. However, this time some of the things out of the mouth of G.W. really got to me. Like the fact that gay unions "undermine the family structure." My first thought: Divorce undermines the family structure 1000 times more (if I even agreed that gay unions undermine family structure, which I don't). So let's amend the constitution and ban divorce. See how that goes over. But the thing that really got a reaction out of me (I think you could describe it as a huff) was this: "As this debate goes forward, every American deserves to be treated with tolerance and respect and dignity." Because the best way to tolerate and respect same-sex couples/people is to ban their unions. Clearly.

Note: all of my quotes are from
this site so if they are wrong, blame them.

PS: what is also quite enraging is that I wrote this whole post, went to post it only to find that the whole important paragraph in the middle was gone. BLOGGER!


  1. I read a really excellent editorial this week which quoted the single mother birth rates (increasing, especially among wealthier Americans) as the biggest factor in "undermining traditional family values". It made a lot of sense to me, as opposed to a gay marriage ban. If you're concerned about "family values", why would you focus on committed relationships as the problem?

  2. I am not mostly republican...I hate both parties with equal vigor. Both parties currently operate only to ensure the success of the party. They should be working for the good of the people in this country. Nah...that makes too much sense.

    I am true to what I believe in and I know full well that some of my beliefs are wrong. The one thing I am sure about is how totally screwed up our politicians are and the fact that I am partially a democrat, libertarian, human, dad, golfer, insurance geek, republican, independent, nut case.
