Monday, May 22, 2006

Mouth of pain...

So I do not have strep.

I have something awful called herpangina. Just in case your mind automatically goes there, no I do not have Herpes or angina. I advise you to never get this illness. Go ahead, look it up online. And cringe. Worse than strep. And does not respond to antibiotics.

I unfortunately do have a fever and feel like it. So all my classes (one of which was during the appointment and the other started 15 minutes ago) are a miss. I should go to class tonight, but I'm going to have a pity party instead.

Off to get my prescription filled (just FYI, i was offered tylenol with codeine for my pain. Yeah. That bad. I turned it down. Advil is fine. But I do have a steroid paste that I get to put in my mouth. Yum).


  1. how on earth did you catch it? have you been doing something you shouldn't have...
