Revisit the 26 of 2006
Items in italics are done/being done
- Go on at least 3 dates (with 3 different people).
- Learn how to html, and therefore revolutionize my blog.
- Exercise fairly regularly. And if not that, then at least sometimes.
- Move my square of city exploration out a bit more - some places I'd like to explore are Wicker Park, Boystown, even just Lakeview.
- Cook a meal at least once a week. Even if it is tacos every other week.
- Go see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and a ballet somewhere.
- Convince my sister and S to move to the city.
- Have a friend (make a friend?) in the city (sister does not count).
- Buy another Frank Lloyd Wright cross-stitch, finish it and frame it to help with #10.
- Put more items up on the walls - blank walls = boring walls.
- Visit somewhere I've never been..
- Be better with letter writing. I was not up to my usual high volumes of mail. I'd like to send something to someone about every other day.
- Thorough spring cleaning.
- Watch 3 new movies a week (this is highly improbable, but I would like to do it). --I'm close with this one...really, really close.
- Try the Salt & Pepper diner, Sweet Mandy B's, that pancake house on Clark, just try some new food places.
- Get an assistantship (this will have to be late 2006).
- Have a high GPA - but NOT be insanely stressed.
- Lose holiday weight and keep it other words, stay true to the points.
- Go to another hockey game or two.
- Pay more attention to politics/world news. this one is a toss-up. I'm better than I was, but not great.
- Start taking vitamins.
- Visit the Mooj more since my brother is going to be leaving for college (SCARY).
- I'll build on #22 and say: see each family member at least once each month. Although the brother might be too hard...
- Think before I speak (a little more) or tone down the brutality of my honesty.
- Fall in love (please?).
- Keep on top of the clutter/stay organized.
For number 18, I vow:
Dear Diet,
It's been so long since we've been together! Your points and crappy snacks...I can't say that i've missed you. But my spare tire/buddha belly/pooch has. I have plans all weekend. Rendevous on Monday? This time we'll be together forever (right?).
Skip the Salt & Pepper Diner (same ole boring food as everywhere else) and go down to Sweet Maple Cafe. Mmmmmmmm.