Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What else...

So lately I feel like this blog has been a place for me to whine. Bitch and moan. And right now that is something I need. I'm hoping that soon I can have fun, quirky things to talk about. But in this place, at this time, this is my blog of bitching. Sorry readers.

I know I've said it before, but my face has been breaking out big time. I never had problems in high school or college. Clear skin. But now...nothing but pimples (and not small patches of break outs, we're talking multiple huge gigantor pimples). I am really, really uncomfortable with it. Honestly, it makes me look at every part of me (not just my face) and sort of sigh. Like, argh, not looking so hot. The self-esteem is at a low.

I feel like this is coming at SUCH a bad time. I'm finally trying to get out there and date (so far three unsuccessful, but not terrible dates have been had). And if I don't like myself, I sure won't be putting my best foot (face?) forward. It's just aggravating. It's taken me so long to even want to date.

And please don't take this to mean I'm not happy being alone. I don't mean that at all. I just mean I'm open to the possibility of touching a boy again. Soon?


  1. You're breaking-out because you're stressing about boys, which usually happens about 6 or 7 years ago.

    Quit worrying about it and let it happen. You're thinking too much.

  2. I agree w/cuckoo bird - at our age, breakouts usually happen b/c of stress or hormonal imbalances. Give yourself a break and maybe it will help.

    In the meantime, if you're looking for some products to help, you might want to check out the Murad line. I went through some major breakouts right after I turned 23 and someone recommended it to me - it acutally helped, which let me stress less!

  3. I don't have any useful advice, least of all from the perspective of a 20-something woman. But I do remember being plagued by acne throughout high school (occasional coups are still attempted) and feeling crappy about myself for it. There's no real reason to get down about it, but it happens and...

    ::drones, babbles::

    I empathize.
