Sunday, May 21, 2006


That is the sound of random shit being thrown at you. Duck.
  • I haven't run in about two weeks. Weather is a factor as is my never-ending sore throat. one likes excuses.
  • I watched the Family Stone last night and can't decide if I liked it or hated it.
  • Anyone want to go see a movie next weekend(for about 12.50)? I really, actually want to see X-Men in the theater. I may just have to go...
  • Update on the Time 100: I am still reading the same book I've been reading since...possibly January. I have been slowly slogging through it and I've finally hit this point where I just want to be DONE. I am on page 604 of the book, page 1044 of the footnotes (which equates to my having read 61 pages of footnotes). I still have 379 pages of the book and 35 pages of footnotes left. The weird thing is I feel so close to the end. Whereas any other book I might not have even started yet and have 379 pages left. Stupid, infinite book.
I decided the following about myself this weekend:
  1. I have a serious weakness for organizational items. Some people like to buy shoes, some purses...I end up buying a magnetic board, a shoe holder, a bin...
  2. My first impression isn't a good one. I think it has to do with my bluntness. But do I play that down to make a better first impression? Or be myself and let others deal....and if they can't deal...oh well?

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