Friday, May 26, 2006

The evil innerworkings...

Tom Cruise grates on me. The way he treats "Kate", his religious fervor, even his all grates. I've never been a big fan. I mean, everyone loves Top Gun, but I think that's it for the Cruise and myself.

I sort of hope "Kate" gets postpartum depression. And then Tom can eat his words when nothing except "pseudo-science" helps.

I also sort of hope that X-Men 3 does better this weekend than MI3 did on it's opening weekend. I think they are comparable (action flick with a loyal following). Therefore, I think it would spite Cruise.

Poor Joey Potter, all tainted with Cruise now.

1 comment:

  1. don't worry, X3 will do WAY better that MI3 on its opening weekend. MI3 has a loyal following yes, but it's also taken something like 6 years inbetween films, where a lot of that following loses it's fever. Plus X3 is an action movie AND a comicbook movie so double the groupies if it's good.
