Sunday, April 09, 2006

The circus freak...

Hi kids, I'm Katie "the single girl" here to tell you what I do on the weekends. Please keep in mind that I, unlike 97.6% of single women, do not enjoy drinking or partying. Therefore, keep in mind that I am just that much freakier than your average freak of a single woman.

My weekends haven't changed all that much since I went back to school. I do want to put it out there that I was unhappy for a while at my job, so weekends I would mope around a lot. I almost always have something to do. I go to museums. I go to the zoo (it's free and 4 blocks away!). I clean. I watch TV. I watch movies. I see people. I do everything a couple does, just by myself. And I mean everything (oooh, dirty joke). I'm not sure why it would be hard to understand what a single person could do to have fun on a weekend. Just this weekend I've watched a movie, gone to a first birthday party, seen a play, eaten out and caught up with my homework/reading as much as I can.

I was about to say that being single I get to spend a lot of time with friends. But I truly have one friend in the city (awww, sad). But somehow it has become that I spend a lot of time with various family members, who are some of my closest friends (awww, cheesy).

I think it's awesome not to depend on someone to entertain me. I love being alone. This is an awful thing to confess, but sometimes when I have plans I feel really reluctant right up to the point where I am doing said plans. I just like to be alone. I was a little lonely last year when I was so unhappy...but right now I feel perfectly content with my life.

This would probably be a great time to update you on my dating efforts. I do have a tentative lunch date this Thursday. Please do not get excited. I am not auditioning boyfriends. I am just making a half-assed attempt to get myself out there. I don't want a boyfriend. At this point, I don't think I'm ready to make any compromises with my life. I love my life. But it would be really nice to be touched by a boy again (too much information?).


  1. Maybe that reluctance thing runs in the family. Because half of the time, I feel like I'm not going out enough, so I make plans. But then, when it comes time to carry out those plans, all I want to do is sit on my couch or read or something. I don't know. I almost never cancel plans for no reason, because I feel like I should be more social. But then, if I don't want to, should I force myself to?

  2. See, I think weekends are better when you are single. You have the freedom to do what you want when you want to without 1) trying to talk someone else into doing it if they don't want to (i.e. girly movie, museums, shopping) or 2) feeling guilty about not spending time with your 'other.' I find weekends better now because I don't have to spend so much time trying to accomodate someone else's busier schedule and mine. Of course, there are some things I miss...
