I have to bitch about my group member, I have to. I've been trying to hold off out of respect for you readers...but I have to. (quick off the subject update: go here to see Katy and Jason get engaged...)
My group member and I split up our latest piece of the project. I wish I could post images of our two halves. My reports had logos and looked like something your business would print (which is the point). One of his reports had two lines on it. Two lines. And he's clearly data entry retarded. We had to design an input screen -which is a huge part of his career choice: human computer interaction- and his was inoperable. Disaster. Here's the email I wrote him (name withheld and replaced with my nickname for him):
Hi Dunderhead,
Yeah, so you obviously didn't look at the slides or the case...and you really needed the book. Your reports aren't what they are supposed to be (a two-line report??). And your input screen doesn't make sense. How can you input multiple months in the same box?
I'll just redo it. The point is to turn in a finished product so that our project turns out OK. It sort of sucks for me if you don't put full effort in at this point.
I'll email you the finished product.
So the question now is, do I inform my professor of my problems now or just wait for the peer review? I am just scared that he's going to "defensively" review me and mark me down...as in, "you think I suck so I think you suck. Take that, sucker!" And since I am doing ALL the work, I sort of feel like his review should just be tossed in the garbage.
I hate him. I hate group work. But my reports/project look really nice.
I think that you should say something. I'm not sure what, but I think it's unfair (and not the point of group work) that you had to re-do his entire portion. He shouldn't receive credit for YOUR hard work.