Happy New Year blogger community. I hope your 2006 turns out as well as mine will hopefully be. Let's do New Year's Eve wrap-up.
First off, I somehow became the person who had people over. Really, it was because of Happy Zoo Year. Which was delightful. The lights were awesome and the free glasses that make a snowman out of every light, well...what is more fun than snowmen who dance when you turn your head back and forth to a tipsy person? Nothing. I only wish the zoo stayed open until 10. And we never actually saw any countdown. But we saw cats, gorillas, chimps and penguins. Oh and a polar bear butt.
Then we came back here and played some Scene It and some Scattergories (and had to monitor some tricksters...you know who you are: Robert the crossing guard is NOT an R answer for People in uniform). We toasted the new year with hats, some with champagne and then right back to the game. I thought it was a load of fun (and if you compare it with years past, it was a stunning success). My only problem is that when I consume alcohol I sleep roughly an hour less than usual for every drink I had. Which means I barely slept last night. But no hangover and I wasn't really that drunk. I would like to contribute the success of the night to the group of people that were here. It really worked well, "gelled." I heart you all.
So now begins my new life as a computer nerd. School on Tuesday....wow...
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