Thursday, April 14, 2005

Every rose...

A while ago one of my co-workers told me a pretty gruesome story. It involved the stock market crash in the late 80's. I guess she worked in the loop near the Chicago Stock Exchange. I can't remember why it came up, but apparently she had the misfortune of seeing someone jump from the building. She still has bad dreams involving the noise the body made when it hit the pavement.

On the L platform today there was a guy that I was sure was going to jump in front of the train. He kept going right to the edge and being all shifty eyed. As the train was roaring up he went right up to the edge again and I felt serious panic. He didn't jump, he just wanted a good seat on the train I guess.

I cannot imagine witnessing somebody take their own life. It's terrible.

Cheerful entry huh? I just can't get this out of my head. I think I'm a little low today. No reason, just tired.

P.S. - After watching The O.C. (guilty pleasure) I have decided that I might like a graphic novel. Any graphic novel fans out there? Any suggestions? Or should I just walk into a comic book store and see what I find?


  1. What kind of graphic novel? The superhero kind, or the non-superhero kind?

    I liked Persepolis, by Marjane Sartrapi, a lot. It's in my bedroom if you want to gank it while at home this weekend.

  2. The Road to Perdition (movie included scenes in Geneva) is a graphic novel.
    It's rather interesting.

  3. Sorry, I'm a little busy lately, plus I'll be in and out for days at a time, so this 20 questions game will run a little slow...about that the point of this game to find out who I am, or find out more about me? can ask whenever you want, but I may not be overly punctual about the replies...and instead of Crazy Mcgee, try Ellsworth

  4. You might want to check out Stephen Weiner's The 101 Best Graphic Novels.

  5. Blankets/Craig Thompson might be a good place to start.
