Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Do you remember the nugget?

Ok, so I just was looking at my site meter and somebody searched for katieromo blog. Which for some reason freaks me out. Like I have a stalker. Ellsworth, you better not be a stalker.

I'm in a sort of funk. Yesterday I was and then I didn't sleep well at all last night so I think I sank deeper. I cancelled plans with an old friend who I haven't seen in over a month because I'm just tired. And with him I have to be "on." I do feel a little like a jerk for cancelling, but i referenced said funk in my voicemail cancellation.

I have a theory about the funk. Do you want to hear it? You might not, it involves my bowels. Ok, so recently I've had this issue...don't think horrible issue, it's really only a small one that I will call: rabbit poop. Don't be grossed out, girls poo and we talk about it a lot. My college girls: think nugget. I know a lot about my old roomates and their poo habits. It just happens. So my poo is no longer one poo, it's like 800 tiny pellets. And it is frustrating. Today I actually thought my cure could be a drinking binge because then I'll have drinking poo. Damn you rabbit poo, damn you. So it takes me twelve times longer than it used to to feel all pooed out. I hate it. Tequila? Vodka? Maybe...just not alone. Anyone?

Speaking of toilets and poo, I dropped my bathroom key in the toilet today. Floor 27 all use this bathroom, with two toilets we mostly use. To be honest, I did not even hesitate before plunging my hand in. Is this weird?

1) This almost qualifies as an essay question and nearly disqualifies you. I'm too nice for that, so here you go:
  • John Malkovich - I'd love to just sit and have him talk at me. I wouldn't even know what to discuss.
  • This is hard, there's too many. Let's just go with the most recent funny guy and say Jimmy Fallon. I'd like to go on a dinner/movie date. Fun stuff.
  • Justin Timberlake - only to have wild passionate sex
2)I would adore trick-or-treaters. My mom and I had the cutest bee last year. I don't think I'll get any here though. On the other hand the year before my friends and I had a great time involving 70's dresses, a dominatrix and a guy dressed up as a shower. So honestly, I have no answer. Probably bowl of candy.

Now for you: 1) Liberal or conservative. Someone at work today told me homosexuality is wrong and that if women want to feel involved with the church they should be unitarian. Agree or disagree?
2)Superpower...you only get one, what is it?
(side note: this is not a question...did you know girls poo? and discuss it?)


  1. Um, the Ellsworth thing is scaring me.

    As for the search for katieromo blog, someone once searched manogirl and spent 40 minutes on my blog. I immediately thought the worst (guess?) and was sufficiently freaked out for like, weeks. Okay, that's a lie. I'm still freaked out.

  2. Whatever happened to the infamous poo nugget picture anyway?

  3. I'm pretty sure M has it. Ah the memories...

  4. yo,
    It's not a stalker, it's just chris. My mom sent me a broken link and I searched for a fixed one. Kinda scary how you can track your visitors. I never read a blog before. I usually try to avoid reading at all costs, but I have a lot of time on my hands.
