Sunday, February 20, 2005

Shocking really...

I'm blogging twice in the same day. That is shocking. But not only that, there's a few other things that I've found interesting today. First, I'll start with the mildly embarrassing again. I just fell off the couch and cracked my knee into the floor. Made the whole nose thing seem tame. So painful. Rolled around for a while scaring the shit out of Mona. But's really Mona's fault, I was reaching for a toy and toppled over. Ok, did I say mildly embarrasing? I meant totally mortifying. I may be hobbling the next couple of days. I'm telling you, my coworkers are going to think I am abused and making excuses, or that I got mugged. I'm starting to think something ain't working brain? My coordination? My reflexes? All of the above?

Yesterday a discussion of England and stuff made me remember my hottest professor of all time, Tristram Hunt. His accent, his quirky sense of style (velvet blazer?) and his hotness just made him so hot. Anyway, I did a search for him online to see if I could find a picture to bring back tasty memories of England, and I came across some interesting things. #1. #2, apparently he's totally hating/dissing Bush using history. Is this possible? I guess so. I'll be honest though, I didn't read the article. I hate history. I hated it even when he was teaching it to me. I think he only gave me good grades because I'm American and stared at him dreamily all through class. If you didn't push that link in dreamily, you're missing out big time. Push it!

I have added yet another link to a friend's boyfriend. Although, if he complains I'll take it down. Enjoy!

Have a nice president's day! I hope you have it off. Wish me luck in not injuring myself.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this blog on 2 accounts....don't so much love history and yeah, your teacher was hot.
    Hope you had a great President's day NOT WORKING! unlike some of us who had to work....booooo.

    take care and keep entertaining me,
    Roomie #1
