- If Bush had things his way, i think the debate would have been a bickering contest. And I must say, I think Bush might win that kind of debate. Because most of what he said was petulant, like a little boy who imagines someone else is winning and longs to kick him. I think Bush had a gleam in his eye and something in his weird little creepy cackle that exuded evil. Ok, that might be a little strong, but i think he does have a creepy air about him. The man just makes me uncomfortable. Did you ever have a neighbor/family friend/uncle that was creepy and you called him the "child molester?" Well, I did, and thats who Bush reminds me of.
- Is it just me or did John Kerry seem like the only intelligent one there?
- I must agree with my sister that this flip-flopping thing is out of hand. That was Bush's only point (that and that Kerry can't possibly get the support of other countries or our troops if he believes this war was entered into wrongly at the wrong time). He was a broken record. I got bored. And honestly, GOOD LORD, if you can't change your mind, doesn't that say something about the quality of said mind? The most intelligent people can learn from their mistakes (and if they can't, then their arrogance is impeding their intelligence and they no longer qualify as intelligent).
- That was my first debate. I kind of wish I had watched the one between Gore and Bush. But you can't go back.
- Everyone on these shows after the fact is crazy pro-Bush. I wonder if its because they are actually running the country through Bush's ear piece.
That's it....I'm off and doing what I didn't want to in that i'm being political. I apologize. But I can't imagine anyone my age truly believing in Bush. If you're in your twenties and like Bush, please tell me why. I'd love to hear it, truly. It intrigues me. I do tend to believe what Janet said in that a lot of you may just be following along with the opinions of the media and of your parents. And if so, I do understand where you're coming from, but maybe you shouldn't be reading this, you should be watching the debates yourself and not listening to all the people who skew the stuff to what they believe.
Off to Michigan for a wedding this weekend...no blogs for a while.